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Join U-Report, Your voice matters.
U-Report is a social messaging tool, pioneered by UNICEF, that is designed to give young people in FSM a greater voice on issues of national importance. How it works U-Reporters sign up voluntarily. There are currently two ways for anyone aged 13-24 to become a U-Reporter: • SMS: Send “JOIN” to 405. All text is FREE. • Facebook Messenger: simply open the app and search for @UReportFSM and begin the conversation with “JOIN”. Once the registration is complete, U-Reporters receive regular polls asking for their opinions on issues such as health care, education, protection, and other available services in their communities. Answers are analyzed and displayed on a public dashboard with answers consisting of a mix of qualitative and quantitative data, which are then mapped according to region and compiled on a national level. Results are shared with all U-Reporters with emerging issues explored further via additional questions and responses, thus building a cohesive citizen-led dialogue on social development and human/child rights that is communicated to policymakers and publicized in the media to influence social change.
See by the numbers how we are engaging youth voices for positive social change.